Charlotte Basch-Lin

Program Officer | Puget Sound

Charlotte’s work is deeply tied to her tribal communities. She’s an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe, with family ties to the Clatsop-Nehalem and Siletz tribes. Prior to Magic Cabinet she worked in the museum and historic preservation field supporting tribes, cultural institutions, and school districts to uplift tribal history and sovereignty.

Her role as Program Officer is grounded in her experience in, and passion for, community building and collaboration. Charlotte strives to disrupt historically inaccessible spaces to make room for voices and experiences that need to be at the table.

Charlotte holds a MA in Museum Anthropology and a BA in Anthropology-Sociology, with a minor in Indigenous Studies. Outside of work, you can find her in the mountains with her cocker spaniel Brody. She’s also the skipper for the swaq̓ʷsəb Canoe Family, and a Level I certified Lushootseed Language Instructor.