Tiffany Johnson
Chief Strategy Officer
Tiffany serves as the Chief Strategy Officer. Prior to joining Magic Cabinet, Tiffany’s career included diverse advocacy experience by working in multiple child welfare and nonprofit settings, and she has served on boards that focus on improving the lives of transition-age foster youth. Her life’s passions have been advocating to ensure justice, compassion, and opportunity for vulnerable youth.
Tiffany is a former member of the Youth Transitions Funders Group (YTGF) a national network of funders that work together to support the well-being and economic success of vulnerable young people age 14 to 25. She is the recipient of the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award for demonstrating the power of youth voice and improving the quality of life for California’s Foster Youth.
In her free time you may find her at a Carnival celebration dancing the night away. Tiffany is also a trained Doula and serves as a community mediator. Tiffany holds a Masters of Public Administration with a focus on organizational change.